Minutes of the AGM of the APPG on the Kurdistan Region in Iraq held on 16 July 2019 in the Commons.
Attendance: Jack Lopresti, Mary Glindon, Ian Austin, Baroness Ramsay, Mike Gapes, Henry Smith, Lord Clement-Jones, Henry Smith, Chris Stephens, Toby Perkins, Steve Reed. Gary Kent (Administrator).
Apologies: Tom Brake, Lady Hodgson, Graham Jones, Dan Carden, Robert Halfon
Election of officers. The statutory officers elected were: Mary Glindon as Chair and Registered Contact, Lady Hodgson as Co-Chair, and Henry Smith and Lord Clement-Jones as Vice-Chairs.
Other officers are Jack Lopresti, Ian Austin, Baroness Ramsay, Mike Gapes, Chris Stephens, Toby Perkins, Steve Reed.
Mary Glindon thanked Jack for his long and invaluable work as the Chairman and this was endorsed by attendees.
The Income and Expenditure Statement was agreed.
Gary Kent, Jack Lopresti, Toby Perkins, and Steve Reed reported on the recent delegation to Kurdistan.
Income and Expenditure Statement
Name of group. APPG Kurdistan Region in Iraq
Period covered by this statement: 26 June 2018 to 26 June 2019
A. Balance brought forward from previous year: nil
B. Income received during the year:
i. Membership subscriptions (parliamentarians) nil
ii. Monetary donations (including external subscriptions and sponsorship) nil
iii. Trading income nil
iv. Interest received nil
v. Other (please explain) nil
TOTAL income nil
C. Expenditure during the year:
i. Employment costs (salaries, NI, pensions costs ) nil
ii. Costs of contractors and freelance staff nil
iii. Visits and events (UK) nil
iv. Visits and events (abroad) nil
v. Cost of generating income nil
vi. Office and communications costs nil
vii. Other (please explain) nil
TOTAL expenditure 0
D. Balance carried forward ( A+ total B-total C) 0
E. Value of benefits in kind received from each source during the reporting year (in bands of up to £1,500; £1,501- £3,000; £3,001 to £4,500; £4,501 to £6,000 etc )
Please itemise according to the source and band
Kar Group payment for Secretariat. 57001-58500
Delegation to the Kurdistan Region in June 2019. Travel sponsored by the Sardar Group of Companies, Gulan Street Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq (£12,000). Hotels in Erbil and Slemani sponsored by the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Slemani Chamber of Commerce and Industry (£2400). Total £14001-15500
Signed by Chair of Group: Mary Glindon
Date: 16 July 2019