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AGM Minutes

Minutes of the AGM of the APPG Kurdistan Region in Iraq in W2 on 21 March 2023 Attendance. Jack Lopresti MP, Mary Glindon MP, Stephen Metcalfe MP, Royston Smith MP, Lillian Greenwood MP, Mark Tami MP, John Spellar MP. Canberk … Continue reading


The AGM of the APPG is on Tuesday 21 March at 10.30am in W2 in the Commons and for parliamentarians only.

APPG Vice-Chair Mary Glindon advocates improved Erbil/Baghdad links and economic and political reform.

APPG Vice Chair Mary Glindon today asked the following question of the Foreign Secretary in the Commons. Mary Glindon Does the Minister agree that unjustifiable Iranian bombardments on Iraqi Kurdistan and other attacks require resolving disputes between Baghdad and Erbil … Continue reading

Minutes of the AGM of the APPG held on 17 March 2022.

1 Attendance. Wayne David MP, Mary Glindon MP, Lord Austin of Dudley, Feryal Clark MP, Henry Smith MP, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale. David Hunt, UK Consul-General. Gary Kent (Secretariat). Chair. Feryal Clark. 2 Apologies. Jason McCartney MP, Alicia Kearns MP, … Continue reading

APPG condems missile attack on Erbil

The missile attack launched on the flimsiest of pretexts from Iran on the outskirts of Erbil was a disgrace that deserves the utmost condemnation. We are relieved that no one was injured or killed. It was also right that the … Continue reading

KRG Statement on Ruling of the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – The Kurdistan Regional Government issued the following statement on Tuesday in response to the recent decision by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court regarding Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas sector. “The Kurdistan Regional Government believes … Continue reading


The AGM will be online on Thursday 17 March at 11am. This is for parliamentarians only. The special guest after formal business will be David Hunt, the UK Consul-General to the Kurdistan Region and northern Iraq.

United Kingdom reaffirms support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 30, 2022 Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani received a letter from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr. Boris Johnson reaffirming continued UK commitment to the longstanding security and stability of Iraq and the Kurdistan … Continue reading

Minutes of EGM of the APPG on the Kurdistan Region in Iraq.

Thursday 13 January Attendance; Baroness Ramsay, Lord Austin, Alicia Kearns MP, Feryal Clark MP, Mary Glindon MP, Sarah Atherton MP, Louie French MP, Gagan Mohindra MP, Kieran Mullan MP, Robert Halfon MP, Peter Gibson MP, Wayne David MP, Lloyd Russell … Continue reading

The state of bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and the UK

For years, the starting point for many Kurds in assessing relations with the UK was Sykes-Picot, the agreement of 1916 between Britain and France that eventually resulted in the forcible inclusion of the Kurds into Iraq. However, after decades of … Continue reading